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Referring To Nouns

Referring To Nouns - Articles, Demonstratives, Possessives,  Inclusives 1. Articles 'a/an' We use a/an a. to refer to something for the first time. I'd like to talk to you today about an exciting development. b. to refer to anyone from a group of several: Climate...

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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Difference between Countable and Uncountable Nouns: [su_table] Countable Noun Uncountable Noun a. Generally have a singular and plural form: eg. a window, lots of windows NOTE: Some countable nouns only have a plural form: eg. clothes,...

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Future Tense

Future Tense

Future Tense: Plans, Intentions and predictions: Present Continuous; Going to; Will 1 Present continuous A. We use the present continuous to talk about plans or definite arrangements for the future: We're staying in a small hotel. (we have made the arrangements)....

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Past Tenses

Past Tenses

Past Tenses 1. Past simple + verb + -ed (or -d) = He worked for the police. - did not + verb = She didn't work for the police. ? did ... + verb? = Did they work for the police? NOTE: Irregular verbs: Many verbs are irregular: went (go), came (come), wrote (write). the...

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Present Tenses

Present Tenses

Present Tenses Present Simple, Present Continuous, State Verbs, Present perfect continuous, Present perfect simple 1. Present Simple Tense + Verb/verb+s/esĀ  =He watches TV - do/does not + verb = She does not watch TV ? do/does...+verb? =Do you play cricket? We use the...

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